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World Urban Campaign logo



Like several UN-Habitat programmes, special events and campaigns, the World Urban Campaign (WUC) has its own logo to identify its activities.


The WUC logo is ruled by the following principles:


  • The use of the WUC logo is limited to WUC activities carried out by WUC partners and as approved by the WUC Steering Committee. Those include branding and promotion of the Urban Thinkers Campus and other approved WUC events as well as web and social media content. The WUC badge (Box 1) may be used by approved WUC partners on their websites, events and social media channels to signify their partnership with WUC. The WUC logo shall not be used by partners for fundraising unless jointly agreed with UN-Habitat.

  • The use of the WUC logo does not signify approval or endorsement by UN-Habitat of views and opinions expressed by WUC partner organizations.

  • WUC partners wishing to use the WUC logo in their publications (articles, books, reports, manuals, toolkits and so on) must obtain the agreement of UN-Habitat through the WUC Secretariat. Publications bearing the WUC logo must adhere to the boundaries, country names and designations used by the United Nations as well as other editorial guidelines. Publications must also include the WUC disclaimer (box 1 below).

  • Similarly, WUC publications prepared jointly with UN-Habitat must obtain clearance by the WUC Secretariat to use the WUC logo; those publications are also subject to the use of the WUC disclaimer (Box 2).

  • The WUC logos cannot be changed or edited in any way.

  • The WUC logo may be used by the partners with or without the tag line.








WUC partners wishing to use the WUC logo in their publications should include the following disclaimer:


[NAME OF PARTNER] is a Partner of the World Urban Campaign, an advocacy and partnership platform coordinated by UN-Habitat. The opinions expressed by the partners of the World Urban Campaign do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of UN-Habitat. The designations employed in this publication and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UN-Habitat concerning the legal status of any country, area or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.





The Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) logo shall only be used by the WUC Partners for UTC events approved by the WUC Steering Committee.

  • The UTC logo design cannot be changed or edited in any way.

  • As long as the UTC events are approved by the WUC Steering Committee, the logo can be used without further permission for information and promotional purpose only on social medias, in newsletters and articles, web sites, radio and television programmes and promotional items.

  • The use of the UTC logo does not signify approval or endorsement by UN-Habitat of views and opinions expressed by the WUC partner organizations.

  • The UTC logo should not be used to endorse commercial products or services. The name, slogan and branding/logo cannot be used in any manner that suggests a direct product and service endorsement. The UTC logo shall not be used by partners for fundraising unless jointly agreed with UN-Habitat.

  • The slogan and branding/logo should not be used in any way that misrepresents the objectives of the campaign or that undermines the corporate image or policies and activities of UN-Habitat.






The “I’M A CITY CHANGER” logo is a promotional campaign logo designed to increase public awareness of urban issues. This is a free logo to use for anyone who shares the goals and abides by the basic United Nations rules and principles. UN-Habitat authorizes participants to use this logo under the following conditions:

  • The logo can only be used as designed and produced and as available to download from the World Urban Campaign web pages. Its design cannot be changed or edited in any way. Any deviation from this rule is subject to permission being sought from, and given by, UN-Habitat.

  • As long as the activities, products and materials are consistent with the goals, objectives and messages of the “I’M A CITY CHANGER” campaign, the logo can be used without permission for the following activities: information and promotional campaigns; awareness-raising activities and newsletters; web sites, radio and television programmes; conferences and seminars; promotional items.

  • The “I’M A CITY CHANGER” logo and brand cannot be used to endorse commercial products. The name, slogan and branding/logo cannot be used in any manner that suggests a direct product and service endorsement. The logo shall not be used by partners for fundraising unless jointly agreed with UN-Habitat.

  • The slogan and branding/logo cannot be used in any way that misrepresents the objectives of the campaign or that undermines the corporate image or policies and activities of UN-Habitat.




The “City Changer” stamp is used by the World Urban Campaign (UN-Habitat and WUC partners) to acknowledge outstanding achievements by individuals. The “City Changer” logo can be used to illustrate the achievements of specific individuals ONLY as nominated by the WUC partners and approved by the WUC Steering Committee. UN-Habitat authorizes WUC partners to use this stamp for the approved “City Changer” individuals as endorsed, under the following conditions:

  • The stamp can only be used as designed and produced and as available to download from the World Urban Campaign web pages. Its design cannot be changed or edited in any way. Any deviation from this rule is subject to permission being sought from, and given by, UN-Habitat.

  • The stamp can be used without permission to promote the approved City Changers in the following activities: information and promotional campaigns; awareness raising activities and newsletters; web sites, radio and television programmes; conferences and seminars; promotional items. The stamp shall not be used by partners for fundraising unless jointly agreed with UN-Habitat. 

  • The “City Changer” stamp and brand cannot be used to endorse commercial products. The name, slogan and branding/stamp cannot be used in any manner that suggests a direct product and service endorsement.

  • The slogan and branding/stamp cannot be used in any way that misrepresents the objectives of the campaign or that undermines the corporate image or policies and activities of UN-Habitat.


UN-Habitat logo


The use of the UN-Habitat logo is restricted to institutions that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement of Cooperation with UN-Habitat and only in conjunction with the work that they are undertaking with/for UN-Habitat. In addition to being an identifier of the Organization, the UN-Habitat logo implies endorsement by UN-Habitat of the material it is used in conjunction with. UN-Habitat's emblem is part of the Organization’s intellectual property and its use implies endorsement by UN-Habitat. The UN-Habitat logo may only be used on publications (print, electronic or web) with express permission by UNHabitat, and only if UN-Habitat has been involved in preparing the text (or the work on which it is based), and only so long as the text is consistent with UN-Habitat's policies and priorities. The UN-Habitat logo shall be used in adherence with the official UN-Habitat logo brand manual. Link to the UN-Habitat Brand Manual

TheCityWeNeed logo

The City We Need Now! is a promotional campaign to show-case solutions and generate synergies for action towards the SDGs implementation in cities and communities. It logo is free of use for anyone who shares the campaign goals and abides by the basic United Nations rules and principles.


UN-Habitat authorizes organizations to use this logo under the following conditions:

• The logo can only be used as designed and produced and as available to download from the World Urban Campaign web pages. Its design cannot be changed or edited in any way. Any deviation from this rule is subject to permission being sought from, and given by, UN-Habitat.

• As long as the activities, products and materials are consistent with the goals, objectives and messages of The City We Need Now! campaign, the logo can be used without permission for the following activities: information and promotional campaigns; awareness-raising activities and newsletters; web sites, radio and television programmes; conferences and seminars; promotional items.

• The City We Need Now! logo and brand cannot be used to endorse commercial products. The name, slogan and branding/logo cannot be used in any manner that suggests a direct product and service endorsement. The logo shall not be used by partners for fundraising unless jointly agreed with UN-Habitat.

• The slogan and branding/logo cannot be used in any way that misrepresents the objectives of the campaign or that undermines the corporate image or policies and activities of UN-Habitat.

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Capture d’écran 2021-05-11 à 15.20.40.
Capture d’écran 2021-05-11 à 15.20.32.
Capture d’écran 2021-05-11 à 15.20.16.
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WUC Logo by UNHAbitat 2023ƒ-02.png

Copyright © 2025

United Nations Human Settlements Programme 





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