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The Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) 7.0 is an open space for partners to convene people and organizations to debate around urban challenges and solutions to build better cities, reflecting on the new mega-trends of the 21st century. UTC sessions are organized by the WUC Partners to learn from each other and to exchange on emerging practices that can positively contribute to a new urban paradigm.

UTCs are not formal conferences but interactive events to share, learn and brainstorm. Each UTC organiser chooses the best format for the sessions depending on the expected audiences and results. However, the format should flexible, based on open facilitated sessions, allowing a high level of interaction. All participants should have equal opportunities to voice their views, ideas, and stories to support their vision. Participation should be free of charge.

This new UTC edition focuses on the 10 principles of The City We Need NOW! WUC manifesto, a living document which will be discussed by all UTC participants during regular UTC learning events organized by UN-Habitat. Each UTC is meant to contribute to the content of the The City We Need NOW! principles and provide concrete recommendations and solutions that are replicable and measurable. In the UTC sessions, partners will reflect on the New Urban Agenda approved by Member States during the Habitat III Conference (Quito, 2016).

The City We Need NOW! - 10 Principles*

  1. Health & Well-being: The City We Need is healthy and promotes well-being

  2. Peace & Safety: The City We Need is free from violence and fosters a culture of peace

  3. Climate adaptation and resilience: The City We Need is resilient, low-carbon and adapts to climate change

  4. Inclusion and Gender equality: The City We Need is inclusive and promotes gender equality

  5. Economic opportunities for all: The City We Need is economically vibrant and provides opportunities to all

  6. Culture and Identity: The City We Need has a strong sense of place and has room for diverse identities

  7. Governance: The City We Need is managed through public participation and democratically governed

  8. Urban Planning: The City We Need fosters comprehensive and integrated planning and development

  9. Housing, Services and Mobility: The City We Need ensures access to housing, services and mobility

  10. Learning & Innovation: The City We Need learns and innovates

* The above are draft principles approved by the WUC Steering Committee. 



Urban Thinkers Campuses should contribute directly to the following objectives:

  • Broaden and strengthen the engagement of urban stakeholders on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

  • Define priorities and means of actions to implement the New Urban Agenda.

  • Gather individual organizations commitments and agree to roles and responsibilities in the implementation of specific actions.

  • Define action plans combining all priority actions and commitments of stakeholders engaged in the priority actions.

  • Agree on an implementable road map with key milestones towards the implementation of priority actions to deliver the New Urban Agenda.

  • Share their commitments, action plans and road map publicly through WUC outreach channels (website, social media, email and others).

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