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Accelerate transformational change towards sustainable urban mobility

Where: Global

Organization: Urban Electric Mobility Initiative

Civil Society Organization / Non-Governmental Organization



SOLUTIONSplus brings together highly committed cities, industry, research, implementing organisations and finance partners and establishes a global platform for shared, public and commercial e-mobility solutions to kick start the transition towards low-carbon urban mobility. The EU Horizon 2020-funded project encompasses city level demonstrations to test different types of innovative and integrated e-mobility solutions through public-private partnerships between start-ups and local authorities, facilitated by UN-Habitat. This is complemented by a comprehensive toolbox of capacity development and replication activities across partner cities for public and private sector stakeholders. Demonstration innovation actions are launched in Hanoi (Vietnam), Pasig (Philippines), Lalitpur/Kathmandu (Nepal), Kigali (Rwanda), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Quito (Ecuador), Montevideo (Uruguay), Madrid (Spain), Nanjing (China) and Hamburg (Germany).


The SOLUTIONS plus project enables transformational change towards sustainable urban mobility through innovative and integrated electric mobility solutions. To deliver this objective, the project boosts the development and implementation of electric vehicles, fosters the efficiency and innovative re-designing of operations, and supports the integration of different types of e-mobility in large urban areas, addressing user needs and local conditions in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. As such, the project sets up a global platform for shared, public and commercial e-mobility solutions.


Through numerous synergistic projects, networks and strong technical experience, the project delivers on its highly ambitious goals. Direct co-funding contributions are provided by partner cities. The close collaboration with UN-Habitat, the UN Environment Programme and the International Energy Agency on a joint global urban e-mobility programme significantly boosts replication potential and impact of this innovation action.


Through the global programme, regional programmes in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, and local teams, the project aims to develop highly effective, context-specific and innovative approaches to urban e-mobility challenges, ensuring that mobility systems and interventions from this project deliver on the Paris Agreement, meet the Sustainable Development Goals and address the New Urban Agenda.


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Application of the Fukuoka method on 3 landfill sites in Ethiopia

Where: Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Hawassa, in Ethiopia

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)


Description: Application of the Fukuoka method to landfill sites t reduce the GHG emissions and ensure safety for landfill workers


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Berbera Urban Regeneration: Green park

Where: A Berbera, Somaliland

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)



Berbera has a very dry climate, marked by high variability, low precipitation, very high temperatures, extreme weather events and strong dusty winds. There have been environmental degradation and habitat fragmentation as a result of deforestation, erosion, droughts and unsustainable agriculture, these have led to habitat loss.

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Climate Resilient Honiara  - Making Communities Less Vulnerable to Climate Change and Disaster Risks

Where: Honiara, Solomon Islands

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)


Description: Solomon Islands is one of the world’s fastest urbanizing countries. The capital, Honiara, located on the northwestern coast of Guadalcanal, is the major centre of economic activity and as such, attracts increasing numbers of youth and adults from other islands seeking employment. The city has a growing urban footprint and is the only settlement exceeding 10,000 inhabitants. This large movement of people is overstretching the urban development and planning capacity of government entities, resulting in unplanned urbanization, associated growth of informal settlements and a lack of adequate infrastructure. Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS), such as the Solomon Islands, are amongst the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Honiara’s coastline is vulnerable to sea level rise and lacks sufficient natural or artificial defences against the increasing intensity of storm surges and cyclones, resulting in erosion, loss of habitats and livelihoods. With a topographically difficult terrain and inadequate urban infrastructure, the rugged hill areas are facing increased risk of landslides and valley floors are experiencing regular flood events due to higher frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall. Particularly at risk are the residents of informal communities.


UN-Habitat, in partnership with the Honiara City Council, the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey, Ministry of the Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management & Meteorology and RMIT University implements the Enhancing urban resilience to climate change impacts and natural disasters in Honiara project, with a budget of US4,395,877 million, implemented over four years. In line with and in support of the Honiara Urban Resilience and Climate Action Plan, the overarching goal of this project is to enhance the resilience of the city and its inhabitants to current and future climate impacts and natural disasters, putting a particular focus on pro-poor adaptation actions that involve and benefit the most vulnerable communities in the city, such as youths, women, girls, the elderly, and people with disabilities.


The project engages across all spatial scales with resilience actions and capacity building at city, ward, and local community levels. A combination of actions and capacity building across spatial scales ensures that actions are not stand-alone but are integrated into a resilience action plan for the city and hence more likely to be sustainable in the longer term. Important outcomes of this multi-level approach are improved institutional arrangements and working relationships between all stakeholders involved.


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City Resilience Profiling Tool

Where: Maputo (Mozambique), Dakar (Senegal), Port Vila (Vanuatu), Asunción (Paraguay), Yakutsk (Russia), Barcelona (Spain), Teresina (Brazil), Santa Ana (Costa Rica)

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)


The City Resilience Profiling Tool (CRPT), developed by UN-Habitat, is a leading methodology for resilience building in cities and has a strong climate action focus. The CRPT identifies resilience trends, vulnerabilities, synergies, and interlinkages within the urban system that become the basis for prioritized actions.


The CRPT’s resilience analysis is comprehensive, covering the entire urban system in its measurement of vulnerabilities, and potential hazards while also taking into account governance issues. The CRPT provides a holistic approach to tackle climate action, combining climate-related hazards through a cross-sectoral analysis of urban physical, organisational, functional and social environment.


To build urban climate resilience, it is important to understand the challenges that a changing climate pose to the city’s environmental, economic and social systems and from this understanding, outline the mitigation and adaptation plans, and actions for resilience.


The CRPT implementation allows:

- Evidence-based data knowledge

Climate change data, trends and models can be complex tools for governments and inhabitants to adopt, especially in contexts where capacity and resources are limited. The City Resilience Profiling Tool is an accessible methodology built to support local governments and city inhabitants overcome this challenge. By connecting stakeholders (from climate change experts, data service providers, people and city authorities) around a common resilience framework, data collection is extensive and forms the basis of a diagnostics on exposure, sensitivity, and the adaptive capacity of a city.


- Identifying climate change challenges in the city

The CRPT analysis evaluates how the city su ers from current and long-term climate conditions and hazards through models that extract information on temperature, heat waves, precipitations, water runoff, snow/ice cover, thermal stress, droughts, floods, among others. The CRPT approach draws on the available capacity from scientists, engineers, satellite experts, and software & tool developers who support the local government to downscale global climate change scenarios to the local and regional levels. At this scale, validation can be sought from the local community, and climate change challenges and actions (ongoing and planned) can be identified.


- Climate change impacts in cities

Exposure analysis from current and projected climate data combined with the sensitive data is fundamental to assess the degree to which urban systems are a ected by the biophysical impact of climate change. To plan climate action, it is also essential to assess the city’s adaptive capacity by its current abilities and e orts in both physical elements (infrastructure, material

wealth, and technology) and social/institutional elements (human capital, governance, and institutional strength).


For further information, the Climate Action Enhancer publication extracts the elements of the CRPT methodology that relate most closely to climate challenges and as such aims to provide a snapshot of the city in relation to climate action.


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Chengdu Park City Indicator System

Where: Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)


Creating Chengdu as a Park City involved a new city strategy, linking environmental dimensions with culture, services to citizens and economic growth. With a plan that runs into the middle of this century, Chengdu’s strategy is to create a more sustainable urban environment with an improved quality of life, resulting from protected biodiversity and heritage, reduced energy consumption and carbon footprint, and enhanced services for the city’s 16.5 million inhabitants.


UN-Habitat’s initial contribution to the project involved researching park cities around the world to analyse parallel experiences and producing a collection of international best practice. A ‘Park City Indicator System’ was then developed by UN-Habitat, allowing Chengdu to monitor and evaluate its project by assessing it against five dimensions of people, place, planet, prosperity and participation.


In line with the United Nation’s ‘Decade of Action’ and demonstrating a commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, Chengdu has created a Park City Demonstration Area in Tianfu New Area to challenge traditional urban development and present a new paradigm of creating cities within parks. The whole Tianfu New Area is aimed to re-create an ecological skeleton, networks of blue and green spaces and rebuilding the relationship between man and nature. A collection of biking and walking trails are developed that will eventually connect hundreds of parks across the metropolitan area. Eventually, it will form the world’s largest green path network at 17,000 kilometres long.


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Delivery of durable solutions for climate-induced displacement

Where: Jigjiga city, Adadle town, Qoloji IDPs settlement, all in Somali Region of Ethiopia, Ethiopia

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)



Planning and implementation of measures to better integrate and increase the resilience of people displaced people due to climate impact by support to return, relocation and local integration at displacement location.


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Development of city-wide city resilience strategies

Where: Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, Adama, Ethiopia

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)



Priorities emerging from the application of the CityRap tool are embedded in the City Resilience Framework as a tool for budgeting public projects that endure the climate change resilience of each city.


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Donghu greenway

Where: Wuhan, China

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)



Twenty five percent of the land area of Wuhan is covered by water. Donghu is the most iconic and nationally protected. Before the construction of the Donghu greenway, residents did not benefit from this ecological resource: the area was not easily accessible to the public and the scenic areas within the site were not well connected. The high park fees and poor directions within the park also hindered access. There was a lack of activities and adequate service facilities; too many vehicles posed safety concerns to pedestrians; the water quality of East Lake was also declining.


Wuhan’s vision was a city that is beautiful where people and nature co-exist in harmony. The aim was to provide citizens with more access, improved, ecological and inclusive public leisure space and improve the living standard of residents of the Greenway.

Donghu Greeway was the first project under the UN-Habitat demonstration project for China's urban public space improvement in collaboration with Wuhan Land Use and Spatial Planning Research Centre (WLSP).


The greenway took a Transit Oriented Development approach, people-oriented slow mobility solutions, variety of solutions to enhance urban biodiversity, multiple applications for purifying lake water through natural means and the provision of public amenities adjusted to people’s needs. Renewing existing informal settlements without resettlement but focusing on converting their informal economy towards new services.


After its implementation, the number of visitors increased from 94,000 tourists in 2015 to more than 10 million in just two years leading to job creation and local economic development of the area. The greenway was open to all for free and led to many events and recreational activities being organized. The roads were given back to pedestrians, which increased the number of cyclists and promoted walking. After ecological restoration, the total number of trees increase by 53 thousand, the total repaired area is about 10 square kilometers with 10.2 Km of motor way removed and 34km of shoreline recovered with improved water quality.


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EcoZones: Catalyzing transformations from the neighborhood scale

Organization: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy

Research Institutions

Where:  Santa Tereza neighborhood (Belo Horizonte/Brazil)

San Enrique de Velasco and Iñaquito neighborhoods (Quito/Ecuador)



EcoZones are a practical concept to implement integrated low-cost and low-carbon solutions to urban climate and sustainability challenges based on community needs and holistic-systemic urban planning for green recovery and climate change mitigation at the neighbourhood level. The Wuppertal Institute, together with UN-Habitat and partners, use participatory methodologies and offer a scale for experimentation to increase the understanding of and support for linkages between sustainable and resilient urban mobility, public spaces, nature-based solutions and waste management in local development. This project is set in two pilot cities: Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and Quito, Ecuador.


The EcoZone approach seeks to empower citizens to have an impact in local their community, raise awareness around and increase the collective knowledge of sustainable urban development and its socioenvironmental impacts. Implementation is composed of the following elements:


1.Context-based: Building on the needs and ongoing activities of local stakeholders

2.Participatory: Interventions are co-designed and implemented with citizens

3.Multi-stakeholder and intra/inter-institutional approach: Connecting different stakeholders working on similar projects to identify synergies

4.Neighbourhood level: Working on small-scale pilots at the neighbourhood level that are low-cost, participatory and easily replicable at larger scales

5.Intersectoral: Integrating different sectors for a higher impact and understanding of climate change mitigation and adaptation

6.Circularity: establishing circular city functions and services, and innovative business models, creating an effective framework for urban regeneration.

7.M&E: Monitoring and evaluating the impacts of the implemented activities to adapt, improve and replicate the pilots. A comprehensive assessment to convert temporary interventions into permanent ones that include community approval is carried out.


The EcoZones to be implemented include the following dimensions:

Mobility & public space

A tactical urbanism approach is a great tool to reclaim space from cars for pedestrians and cyclists at the neighbourhood level, and provide them with safer spaces for commuting and recreation. This can also raise awareness within the community about the environmental, health, social and economic benefits of non-motorised transport.


COVID-19 mitigation measures

COVID-19 has deeply challenged urban mobility and economic systems worldwide. However, sustainable alternatives for public and private motorised transport have emerged in cities around the globe through a focus on walking and cycling. These allow for physical distancing, and strengthen population health.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

The EcoZone framework was designed to harness and implement NbS at local scale, reducing environmental impacts while helping surrounding areas to improve urban resilience in the face of climate and natural disaster risks. In selecting adaptation/DRR options, ecosystem solutions are usually more adaptive, cost-effective and easier to maintain, and provide more value to society compared to conventional solutions such as built infrastructure.


Waste Management

Within the EcoZone concept, local stakeholders engage with communities to increase awareness for source separation and support initiatives working with circular principles and highlighting the value of waste, like neighbourhood composting programmes, upcycling and recycling initiatives. It explores synergies, for instance by applying innovative sustainable mobility solutions to waste collection, or through placemaking activities integrating aspects of awareness-raising around recycling.


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Enhancing the resilience in Lao PDR

Where: Eight districts of the southern provinces of Attapeu, Sekong, and Saravane (Salavan) in Laos PDR.

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)


Description: Climate change is already causing economic loss and affecting the livelihoods of many people in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). The country is one of the most vulnerable in the world to climate change, extreme weather events and rainfall irregularity, which is impacting physical infrastructure, health and food security. This is exacerbated due to its high dependence on natural resources and low adaptive capacity. The frequency and intensity of climate related hazards such as droughts and floods are expected to increase in the future and most severely hit the poorest areas of the country.


Lao PDR is urgently exploring ways to build its resilience by enhancing its adaptation efforts across sectors and concrete steps are being made. A project totaling US$ 4.5 million funded by the Adaptation Fund and implemented by UN-Habitat is enhancing climate and disaster resilience across 189 of the most vulnerable human settlements in eight districts of the southern provinces of Attapeu, Sekong, and Saravane (Salavan), by increasing sustainable access to basic infrastructure systems and services, as well as emphasizing resilience to storms, floods, droughts, landslides, and disease outbreaks. The southern urban settlement of Pheerkeo is also affected by floods on an annual basis.


In order to address the water shortages during these periods, UN-Habitat in coordination with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, built a borewell powered by solar panels with an overhead reservoir at 3 meters above ground level, benefiting 458 people with improved access to potable water. In total, more than 125,000 people are benefiting from the construction of socially inclusive and climate-resilient infrastructure in the project. The project also has a focus on empowering women, with more than 40,000 women being engaged throughout its implementation.


In Tangko, one of the 189 villages identified as being highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, a simple and cost-effective gravity fed water supply system that taps into a reliable spring up a nearby mountain has been built. In this way, water is filtered and safely stored for ready use. Now all households have kitchen gardens which supplement the available food and help through dry periods and their associated food insecurity.


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Fiji Resilient Informal Settlements

Where: Lautoka, Sigatoka, Nadi, Lami in Fiji

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)


Description: Fiji, located in the Pacific Ocean's cyclone belt, experiences frequent cyclones and with them damaging winds, rain and storm surge. Being mountainous in its interior, Fiji’s cities and towns are mainly located on the coast and along rivers and as a result are particularly exposed to cyclones, storm surges, coastal and riverine erosion, landslides and already occurring sea level rise.


Mangrove deforestation and coral reef extraction to accommodate urban development and for reasons of income, generation is increasing the vulnerability of urban areas to coastal hazards, as both mangrove forests and coral reefs provide effective barriers against storm surges and cyclones.


Informal settlement residents in towns and cities are, particularly at risk. In addition to climate change having an impact on the living environment of many informal settlement communities, it also poses a risk to existing livelihood practices.


UN-Habitat, in partnership with the Ministry of Housing and Community Development and the Ministry of Local Government, and the Climate Change Unit of the Government of Fiji implements the Supporting the most vulnerable communities in building adaptive capacity against climate change and disaster risks project, with a budget of US$4.2 million, implemented over four years.


The overall objective of the project is to increase the resilience of informal urban settlements that are highly vulnerable to climate change and disaster risks. The project aims to work with vulnerable urban communities to conduct vulnerability assessments for the participating settlements and to produce actions plans and strategies for implementing climate adaptation actions within communities.


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Integrating indigenous knowledge and technology for safer habitat in Pakistan

Where: Pakistan

Organization: World Habitat



Description: One of the two initiatives that received the Habitat Awards Gold Medal for 2020 is spot on the subject of the campaign: “Integrating indigenous knowledge and technology for safer habitat in Pakistan” utilizes a community-based planning and risk management approach, integrating local knowledge. The initiative strengthen resiliency in one of the most disaster-prone regions of the world – Pakistan, by building on local knowledge and traditional construction techniques, bringing people at the centre of the response and ensuring cultural sustainability and adequacy of housing solutions.



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Knowledge Sharing platform of Nature-based solutions (NBS)

Organization: Urbanalytica

Civil Society Organization / Non-Governmental Organizations

​Where: San José, Costa Rica & Milan, Italy.


The two contexts involved are:

1. The Great Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica (GAM) that represents 4% of the National Territory, yet concentrates 60% of the population (2.72 million inhabitants). Even though it benefits from many of the country's milestones regarding Sustainable Development (a vast trajectory in Environmental Policymaking, a 100% renewable energy matrix, an ambitious plan of Urban Parks, worldwide referent of biodiversity preservation) it experiences a paradox within its Urban Agenda (carbon emissions from the transport sector, unplanned urbanization, and urban infrastructure vulnerable to climate shocks, poor mobility and transport infrastructure, lack of safe public green areas).

2. The Metropolitan city of Milan, capital of Lombardy and the second-most populous city in Italy after Rome (3.25 million inhabitants), where most of the country's infrastructure, economy, and workforce concentrates, yet affected by unsustainable urbanization and mobility patterns, critical air pollution levels, and vulnerable to external shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also a city with ambitious policies and plans developed within the European recovery and innovation framework, especially regarding nature-based solutions, sustainable mobility, and urban recovery.


Description: Nature-based solutions (NBS) have proven to be powerful tools for addressing climate change effects in an urbanized area while fostering low-impact and low-cost recovery in the light of the current planetary crisis. However, there is a challenge how to develop feasible and replicable strategies in regions in the global south, such as Latin American where there is a lack of data, resources, and technological tools.


The proposed platform aims to provide expertise sharing between two contexts that are experiencing strong urban transformations: Costa Rica, a worldwide referent on Sustainable Development in the process of bringing this know-how into its urbanized areas; and Milan, transitioning into a smart sustainable city within the European recovery and innovation framework. The platform would facilitate a bi-directional knowledge transfer, in order to develop replicable and scalable NBS strategies. For this, current partnerships are developed with local organizations, public institutions and the Academia.


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LNK Center for Resiliency and Conservation

Where:  Lincoln, USA

Organization: The Joselyn Institute for Sustainable Communities

Professional organization


Description: Lincoln Public Market will present programs for farmers on regenerative agriculture and carbon capture, the foregoing use of chemicals and benefits of organic farming, and ways of mitigating the effects of flooding and drought. Both Lincoln Public Market and EcoStore will divert thousands of tons of food and C&D waste from public landfills, removing hazardous materials from the waste cycle. Shortened materials and food supply chains will help air quality and lower emissions while mitigating waste. Partnership for electric transport of foods and materials will reduce emissions. The Center will be powered by a 100% renewable microgrid. A wide range of long-established partnerships with building contractors, DIYers, farmers, food wholesalers, NGOs and other food providers, institutional kitchens, restaurants and grocers, food processors and distributors, artists, financial and business advisors, as well as university and city officials and personnel make LNK Center a dynamic, vibrant and transparent enterprise. Grass-roots residents have been involved in the planning of both Lincoln Public Market and EcoStore, and the continued participation of these neighbours and other residents will be not only encouraged but vital. (..)


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Multiagency support in mainstreaming resource efficiency in the housing, buildings, and construction sector.

Where: Burkina and Sri Lanka.

Organization: UN-Habitat 

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)


Description:  Joint initiative developed with UNEP and UNOPS through the One Planet Network. The project aims at equipping UN country teams with the necessary tools and information to support governments in transforming their buildings and construction sector to be a resource-efficient, low carbon and climate-resilient sector; and to raise awareness and strengthen the capacity of national stakeholders on sustainable buildings and construction-related benefits and opportunities with an emphasis on material efficiency. As a result of this project, a number of normative guidelines (Development of Guidelines on Sustainable Building and Constructions, and the Housing Sustainability Certification Scheme) will be developed, as well as a toolkit to support the advocacy efforts of the teams.


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Nairobi River Regeneration Initiative

Where:  Nairobi River, Nairobi

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)



Nairobi River Regeneration Initiative (NRRI) is a joint flagship initiative of the Nairobi Metropolitan Services and UN-Habitat which aims to reclaim the Nairobi River as a shared public good that supports a better urban and environmental performance for a better quality of life in the city.



Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation


​Where: Global 

Description: Urban95 is a global initiative that supports the healthy development of young children growing up in cities. We work together with city leaders, planners, designers, advocates, communities to bring a child-lens to every layer of city decision-making to improve access to quality services, sustainable mobility and vibrant public places. We are driven by a simple question: If you could experience the city from 95cm – the height of a 3-year-old – what would you change?


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#Housing2030: Effective policies for affordable housing

Where: UNECE region

Organization: UN-Habitat

Intergovernmental Organization (UN)


Description: The project will be presented at the UNECE Ministerial in October and is based on a research study jointly undertaken by UNECE, Housing Europe and UN-Habitat. The Handbook brings together useful housing policy tools to promote more affordable, inclusive and climate-neutral housing through the identification, exchange and dissemination of best practices in relation to land, environmental sustainability, finance and governance and regulation as they relate to promoting housing affordability. A number of podcasts were also developed to communicate the findings of the research, three of them focus on how environmental and energy standards can be leveraged to increase affordability, inclusivity and sustainability of housing. We are working with the partners to develop an online repository of good practices and tools – this should be ready by the beginning of October.





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