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WUC PARTNER - Transforming Nairobi’s public spaces: a field visit with DreamTown

On a recent field visit with DreamTown, one of the WUC partners, we visited two transformative Nairobi projects reshaping public spaces in close collaboration with the Public Space Network, Dandora Community Park, UN-Habitat, and the community.

The first visit took place in Dandora, a slum in Nairobi, where various initiatives have been implemented. These include transforming a public area by integrating art into the space, creating a dedicated playground for children, and encouraging sustainable mobility by supporting bicycle purchases. Additionally, an urban agriculture project has made significant progress in just two weeks, utilizing vertical farming techniques with recycled tyres and planning future projects involving aquaponics and hydroponics. This urban agriculture initiative is an educational tool for children to learn about agriculture and sustainability.

The second visit was to Korogocho, where DreamTown and its partners collaborate with a vibrant network of young climate activists along Nairobi’s rivers for the Cool Waters project. The goal is to transform the riverbanks into green spaces that adapt to flooding and heat, combat air pollution, and serve as hubs for green entrepreneurship initiatives already underway, including tree planting to revitalize the riverbank, the creation of pathways using recycled paving, and the implementation of hydroponic urban farming.

These two projects exemplify the power of collaboration between local communities, organizations like DreamTown, and international partners such as UN-Habitat. They are creating more resilient and sustainable neighbourhoods by addressing urban challenges like environmental degradation, flooding, and lack of recreational spaces. The transformation of these public spaces enhances residents' quality of life and empowers young people to take charge of building a greener, more inclusive Nairobi.

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We are proud to share with you one of the initiatives of Dreamtown, our WUC partner.

In Dadora, Nairobi, with the support of the Dandora Community Park and the Public Space Network, they are transforming a former area of insecurity and crime into a safe urban agricultural space to educate and empower young people with urban agriculture.  


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