We celebrate this act of the National Assembly of Ecuador and hope other parliaments join us in adopting the New Urban Agenda.
In the 859th Legislative Plenary Session, the members of the Ecuadorian Assembly approved the Resolution that adopts the New Urban Agenda.
In this way, the New Urban Agenda is incorporated into the work of the National Assembly, calling on actors and organizations to guide the analysis and application of the NUA in an empirical and practical manner, especially those who, within the framework of UN Habitat's World Urban Campaign, provide ideas or mechanisms for the development of sustainable
legislative productions.
The City Changer, Evangelina Colli, presented the proposal that in the UTC Lobbying the New Urban Agenda a legislative bill was made to connect the issues addressed by the NUA from the legislative branch. This proiect was presented by Assemblyman Byron Maldonado and had the support of the UNESCO Chairs of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.

Finally, the Co-Chair of UN Habitat's World Urban Campaign and Founder of Smartly, Prof.
Analia Pastran said: "We celebrate this milestone and hope that other Parliaments will join us and incorporate the New Urban Agenda in their bills".
Article republished - By Smartly