We are thrilled to announce the extension of the call for proposals for the Urban Thinkers Campus Phase 8 (UTC 8.0) 2023 due to its tremendous success. All relevant information can still be found at https://www.worldurbancampaign.org/utc8.
We continue to encourage WUC partners who are interested in hosting an Urban Thinkers Campus in 2023 to apply online. The deadline for applications has been extended to June 30, 2023, at midnight GMT.
To apply, please use the following link: HERE.
Before finalizing and submitting their applications, partners are strongly advised to thoroughly review the UTC GUIDE available at https://www.worldurbancampaign.org/utc8.
This comprehensive guide explains the UTC model, preparatory steps, and requirements in detail.
If you require any clarification or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are here to provide the necessary support and assistance.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. We eagerly look forward to a positive response to the UTC 8.0 call.
(Note: Organizations that are not members of WUC but are interested in hosting a UTC may contact the secretariat for more information).
Warm regards,
UN-Habitat WUC Secretariat