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IMPROVING 1000 Cities, 1 Billion Lives by 2030. 

We contributes to the UN Decade of Action by thriving to improve 1 Billion Lives in 1000 Cities around the world through actions of UN-Habitat and its partners.

1000 Cities 

  • Cities around the world are critical drivers of global changes and face mega-trends such as climate change and environmental degradation, rising inequalities and insecurity.

  • Rallying 1000 cities and human settlements around critical action areas (housing, climate adaptation and mitigation, water and sanitation, energy and mobility, safety, etc.) to accelerate the SDGs implementation is essential.

  • 1000 cities is an inspirational target to generate a movement by engaging and promoting cities that take action and impact people’s lives under the UN Decade of Action.

1 Billion Lives

  • Too many people in cities around the world are left behind, without housing, basic services and decent sources of livelihood, living in fear, at the mercy of man-made and environmental disasters, as well as health risks. Ensuring that people live in dignity and have basic needs is essential.


Addressing the conditions of 1 more billion lives is an inspirational target to help us fulfilling the human dimension of cities, engaging and including people in their urban future and achieving the people focused SDGs




Be a game changer by joining us and improve 1,000 Cities, 1 Billion Lives by 2030.

Together, we will showcase solutions and take action for cities to accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Host your Urban Thinkers Campus 

- Share your Solutions and be part of the World Urban Campaign's Network of more than 300 partners !

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- Enable your city to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and improve quality of life in becoming a SDG City.

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Housing for All

UN-Habitat places affordability, sustainability and inclusiveness of the housing sector at the core of the urbanization process. Housing is more than just a roof; it’s the opportunity for better lives and a better future. Housing is about safety, health, education and employment.

City Climate Action

Cities are on the front line of climate change impact and are at the heart of climate action. WUC promotes effective scalable solutions and innovations with a focus on low urban- based carbon emissions, building climate resilience of the urban poor.


Urban Crises

Urban crises are increasingly complex and need to be addressed through enhanced social integration and inclusive communities through effective crisis response and recovery. Enhanced resilience of the built environment and infrastructure are key priorities in the current context.

SDG Localization

SDGs localization is about translating the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into local actions and impacts that contribute to the global achievement of the SDGs. We will engage more cities to join SDG localization as a framework of action.



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Priorities 2022-2023: Adequate Housing, Cities and Climate Change and Localising the Sustainable Development Goals


The effects of change are, as ever, felt most strongly in cities and urban areas. This was underlined by COVID-19 which laid bare the economic and social vulnerability of our urban way of life.

Sustainable urban development has therefore never been more difficult and with two thirds of the world’s population expected to live in urban areas by 2050, according to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, that challenge will only grow more formidable.

There is therefore a growing commitment to focus on urban issues across the public sector, private sector, civil society and the United Nations System. In Our Common Agenda, the United Nations Secretary-General urges Member States to take broader and more decisive action to tackle the threats of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and escalating inequalities and conflicts. In urban areas, the response to these threats requires strong leadership and guidance from UN-Habitat, with its knowledge and knowhow drawn from decades of experience of working with local and national governments, communities and all urban stakeholders.

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United Nations Human Settlements Programme 





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